Featured Locations BETA. We now have 14 accounts in BETA, in various stages of onboarding. No major problems. There are still a few items that need to be addressed before the official launch. We&…
Featured Locations BETA. A select few new accounts are now BETA testing this feature. As we encounter issues, we'll make adjustments to the feature, our process, and tools accordingly. When …
Featured Locations Beta. A lot of the tasks below refer to Featured Locations. These will take our existing saved searches and market reports and tie them together, making our sites even more con…
MLS Info. The MLS Info section of the Control Panel has been reworked for better clarity. Page Headings. This change isn't visible to customers, but under the hood we've created a new …
Cards widget - featurette card type. Added a new cards widget card “type” which is called “featurette card”. This is an alternative to the “flip card” type that is already available. Cards Widget…
New Flip Cards Widget. Instead of using custom content to create the flip cards, we now have an official widget that will allow for better control and future maintenance. Market Reports - New …