Release Notes – 2023.08.03

Release Notes – 2023.08.03

 August 3, 2023


  • Updated session management for testdrive, activation, and direct signup paths
    With this update, we have altered the new stateful operation architecture to track sessions for each path type independent of our core account sessions, removing the possibility for the control panel to disrupt progress.
  • New system for default featured location images
    We’ve done away with the useless account wide default image, and instead created a library of frequently used stock images which will randomly be assigned to newly created featured locations where a bespoke image has not been provided.
  • Updated Google Ads API
    In order to keep up with changes from Google and resolve resulting errors in the Ads Admin interface, we’ve updated our Google Ads API version. Practically speaking this update should cause no user facing changes, but it’s worth being aware that there have been updates to this often business critical system behind the scenes.


  • Disable Google Storage Access (File Manager) for Deactivated Accounts
    Now, when an account is cancelled, at the time of cancellation, the files under that account's File Manager will be 'hidden' so that they cannot be accessed. If the account is reactivated, that process will be reversed.
  • CA-KCBOR Keywords
    Rebuilt keyword search lookups for CA-KCBOR after a data provider change deprecated previous mappings. 
  • New testdrive got stuck on "Finishing..." step
    Build process retries polling on errors.
  • FL-MYMLSTWO - Add Keywords
    Mapped keywords for FL-MYMLSTWO.
  • Remove Canadian provinces (not boards) from MLS Search
    Removed Canadian provinces from the list of state options in the MLS Info search interface. 
  • Unable to register
    Fixed an issue with the auto optimize registration settings feature. 
  • CO-COMLS 6662933 (1000 County Road 200) not showing in relevant search
    Updated mapping for "Borders National Park" keyword search term for CO-COMLS.
  • When primary domain is changed, Notify CS
    Improved logging when a domain change causes MLS status to revert to pending for compliance reasons. 
  • IN-GNIARMLS Add Keyword - Wooded
    Added "wooded lot" keyword search term to IN-GNIARMLS. 
  • VA-REIN Add Keyword - Historic
    Added "historic" keyword search term to VA-REIN. 
  • TX-SABOR Additional Search Criteria
    Added "attached dwelling" keyword search term to TX-SABOR.
  • TX-SABOR outdoor kitchen keyword
    Added "outdoor kitchen" keyword search term to TX-SABOR. 
  • Remove Sample Data popup
    Removed checklist item.

Bug fixes

  • Flex widget setting smaller size for image file
    Fixed an issue with the sizes attribute for flex images that could result in browsers incorrectly choosing to use the wrong version of an image.
  • GA-CGBOR Pending checkbox
    When editing agent profiles, there will no longer be an "include pending" listings option when there is no data available for the account, or when other settings preclude it. 
  • Resume from incomplete signup not working
    Fixed cases where testdrive registration could not advance

Kevin Ashley

By Kevin Ashley

Kevin is a Web Developer and Marketing Expert for iHOUSEweb. He has a degree in Mathematics from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and he specializes in front end web development, web advertising, and web analytics. Kevin works closely with real estate agents all over the US, and he helps to communicate their needs to the team of Software Engineers at iHOUSEweb.