Release Notes – 2023.07.06

Release Notes – 2023.07.06

 July 6, 2023


  • Transactional process infrastructure
    The activation path has been rewritten to use our new transactional process infrastructure. With this release we will finally be updating the last of the major transactional paths (testdrive, direct signup, activation) to use the new infrastructure we built earlier this year to modernize these systems to make them more flexible and maintainable. Additional smaller paths will be updated and/or built anew in the future, but this is a major milestone in our efforts to make the key business processes of our application more robust and functional moving forward. As with the previous rewrites of the testdrive and direct signup paths, to begin with we’ve endeavored to keep the front end user experience as consistent as possible with the previous version of the activation system, focusing mostly on updating what happens behind the scenes to begin with. 
  • New generic carousel flex content blocks
    It’s now possible to create a custom carousel content block in flex content where ANY kind of flex block (images, cards, etc) can be used as an item in the slider. A great many exciting new options should now be possible when creating content with the flex system!
  • JSON LD / structured data
    We’ve updated our application to provide hidden structured metadata for page content in an additional format that Google prefers in the hopes that this will improve indexing results. The new schema data has been added for listing content, blog content, and agent roster content.


  • Remove Nearby Market Section
    Added an option to hide the "nearby markets" section on market reports.
  • Flex Feature Request: Slideshow & Carousel templates
    You can now create a custom carousel of Images, Cards, or whatever else you want. Any kind of Flex block can now be a carousel item.
  • Remove Listing Date
    Adding an option to hide listing dates on listing details pages. 
  • Refactor Activate Path
    Activation path uses new state management
  • ID-SIRMLS off grid keyword
    Added "off grid" keyword search term to ID-SIRMLS.
  • GA-LOAAR add keywords
    Added various keyword search terms to GA-LOAAR.  
  • Turn off sample data message
    Removed checklist item. 
  • 400 Bad Request. Request Header Or Cookie Too Large nginx
    Fixed an issue where CSRs would encounter 400 errors that required to clear their cookies due to GA cookies attaching to our base
  • NY-CGBOR 145541 (4802 Route 23) Missing Listing
    Triggered listing update. 
  • TN-KAARMLS ranch search term
    Added the ranch keyword search term to TN-KAARMLS. 

Bug fixes

  • Comic Sans not supported on some iOS versions
    Changed the fallback fonts to include an iOS equivalent
  • Mobile nav missing “featured location links group”
    The logic for “featured location link groups” was added to the desktop navigation, but not the mobile navigation. This oversight has been corrected
  • Duplicate Featured Locations on Signup
    Fixed issues with data being double posted on activation.
  • Campaigns not sending
    Improved Mailchimp error handling and logging of errors to give clarity to why campaigns aren't sending.
  • Charges not running
    Direct Signup will now set client start date
  • Interest Rate retrieval for legacy calculator is failing
    Updated the legacy mortgage calculator tools on listing details to use new mortgage rate storage. 

Kevin Ashley

By Kevin Ashley

Kevin is a Web Developer and Marketing Expert for iHOUSEweb. He has a degree in Mathematics from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and he specializes in front end web development, web advertising, and web analytics. Kevin works closely with real estate agents all over the US, and he helps to communicate their needs to the team of Software Engineers at iHOUSEweb.