Release Notes – 2022.01.20

Release Notes – 2022.01.20

 January 20, 2022


  • Page Speed Optimization
    • We continue to trim down our javascript bundle sizes.
    • We're prepping our react code so it's compatible with a technique called server side rendering (SSR) that we're planning to use
    • We're pre-generating BSON ids for content, in preparation for moving it into MongoDB. 


  • Eliminate element queries
    We have eliminated element queries as a prerequisite for server-side-rendering.
  • FL-RAMB - Add Crypto Currency Keyword
    Added cryptocurrency keyword search term to FL-RAMB.
  • Admin permission issues
    Admin users can now send listing flyers for featured listings assigned to any agent from the office account.
  • KY-NKAOR Keywords
    Keyword lookup tables from KY-NKAOR have been rebuilt after a data provider change depreciated previous mappings.
  • GA-MMLS Keywords
    Keyword lookup tables for GA-MMLS have been rebuilt after a data provider change deprecated previous mappings.
  • NY-CRMLS Keywords Update
    Keyword search lookup tables for NY-CRMLS after a data provider change deprecated previous mappings.
  • FL-ECAOR Keywords need updating
    Keyword lookup tables for FL-ECAOR have been rebuilt after a data provider change deprecated previous mappings.
  • Update content blocks to use bson ids
    BSON Ids are generated for all content blocks except for page layouts, these have to be generated via script per account. This should be completely transparent to our clients - no visible change. Let me know if you find any problems in normal operation of a website.
  • Keywords: Lake view, Creek view
    Added various view related keyword search terms to GA-NEGBOR.
  • Eliminated element queries from agent card
  • Eliminated element queries for blog results widget (thumbnails format)
  • Eliminated element queries from market report search widget
  • Add 55+ keyword
    Added senior community keyword search terms to FL-PEN and AL-BALDWIN.
  • Links to pages opening in new tab instead of same page
  • Replace availity-reactstrap-validation
  • SC-HHIMLS broken keywords
    Added golf course keyword search terms to SC-HHIMLS.

Bug fixes

  • Nav font changes size
    Due to recent changes to the way we load fonts (via an asynchronous JS font loader), the navigation was initially rendering a “fallback font” which was replaced by the correct font after a short delay. We have successfully reduced this delay so that the “fallback font” is no longer noticeable in most cases.
  • Toast Styling Issues
    Our toast library CSS was out of date, resulting in significant styling issues. We have updated the CSS to match the currently installed version, which resolved the styling issues.
  • Duplicate listing features cause listing update process to fail
    Protected against duplicate listing features (usually because of truncation to fit the 100 character space) that occasionally kill the Listing Update process.
  • Edit Agent screen - 'choose password for agent' option not working
    Updated the Create Agent page to no longer show the option for creating a password for the agent (it wasn't working anyway). Now, a new agent will always get a message about how to log in and change her password.
  • SC-HHIMLS Keywords Broken
    Added waterfront keyword search term to SC-HHIMLS.
  • AMP: respect custom favicon
    Added account-specific favicon to amp pages.
  • Profile the new BSON ID code
    Verified the performance impact of recent BSON id code additions.
  • Broken display when a featured location has no results
    Fixed an issue with link building for placeholder images on searches with no results.

Stephen Gruenholz

By Stephen Gruenholz

Stephen serves as both Graphics Manager and Product Manager at iHOUSEweb. He graduated from Cal Poly with a BS in Applied Art & Design and has been working as a Web Designer and Developer since 1998. He relentlessly pushes himself and the rest of the team to learn, grow, and innovate.