Release Notes – 2019.01.03

Release Notes – 2019.01.03

 January 3, 2019


  • Prev/Next arrows for TurboLeads contact details
    When viewing contact details in TurboLeads, previous and next controls will be available to page through results in whatever list the user was viewing.
  • New MLS icon directories and filenames
    Created a predictable URL pattern for MLS icons in google cloud storage.
  • SS Parsing Commas for Subdivision Field
    Loosened up the restriction that prevented pasting in a comma-separated list of subdivisions (also areas). This will work incorrectly if one of the pasted-in subdivisions has an embedded comma, otherwise will work as expected.
  • Groundwork for Google Analytics traffic report
    After we collect 30+ days worth of data we’ll be switching to a new, Google Analytics based traffic report UI and deprecating the old one.

Bug Fixes

  • Agent Cannot See that Office Campaigns Are Running
    Office agents could not see campaigns running for their assigned leads if the campaign was initiated by a personal MailChimp integration at the admin level. This has been corrected. Agents can now see and even stop these admin-level campaigns
  • Deleted Leads Come Back When Re-linking MailChimp
    When deleting a lead from TurboLeads, the contact was not being deleted from the linked MailChimp list. This was not a problem until you un-linked and re-linked the MailChimp account, when the deleted contacts would be synced back into the TurboLeads account from MailChimp. This problem has been corrected.

Stephen Gruenholz

By Stephen Gruenholz

Stephen serves as both Graphics Manager and Product Manager at iHOUSEweb. He graduated from Cal Poly with a BS in Applied Art & Design and has been working as a Web Designer and Developer since 1998. He relentlessly pushes himself and the rest of the team to learn, grow, and innovate.