Release Notes – 2017.07.27

Release Notes – 2017.07.27

 July 27, 2017

New Features

  • Display Status for IDXPro search results
    Display status is now shown on listing search results pages for IDXPro, similar to the presentation for iHOUSE Elite search results.
  • Added link to HouseTrack email report
    Daily HouseTrack emails now include a direct link to the saved search results page so users can easily click through to the full search results.
  • Reliable lead emails to 3rd party CRM
    Lead notification emails were not routing to 3rd party CRMs properly when a single lead notification email was sent to multiple recipients. To avoid this problem, we now send separate notification emails to each of the recipients.
  • Track logins even when using “remember me”
    LeadTracker’s “most recent visit” reporting options were not handling the “remember me” use case properly, so some visitors were falling to the bottom of the “recent” list despite having recently visited. This has been fixed.


  • Auto Update Google Amp Cache by Account
    The newly released AMP pages get cached by Google. To prevent the cached data from going stale, we have built in an auto-update process.
  • Google Amp Styling and Brand Customization
    Our Google AMP pages have minimal styling and customization options, so we have created a universal design that works well for all iHOUSE Elite customers
  • Google AMP Enduser Login / Register
    Google AMP pages primarily function as landing pages
  • Updated login, password reset, password management to use keycloak
    We’ve upgraded our authentication system to provide even greater safety and security for our customers’ personal information
  • Link Instructional Video for Facebook app In Admin Menu
    Our admin menu now includes a direct link to our instructional video for setting up the iHOUSE Elite facebook application
  • Add H1 to listing details pages
    Listing details pages now include H1 text that matches the property address. This change was made to improve the likelihood of ranking for a listing address keyword in Google search
  • Improve Image Alt Text For Customer SEO
    Saved search pages now have optimized Alt Text associated with all images to improve keyword targeting
  • Default Luxury City Banner 2MB
    The default banner images for some templates were very large and could have been impacting load times. We have scaled the images down and compressed them to decrease file size
  • Can’t add Blog as Nav Link
    Fixed a bug that prevented Blog links in the main navigation
  • Updated keycloak code to use location.replace instead of assigning href
    Some Keycloak code had been re-written to prevent problems when customers use the back button

Bug Fixes

  • LeadTracker activity detail links are broken
    The “view” link for listings in the LeadTracker interface was broken, opening a blank page. This has been fixed.
  • Traffic Report Referral Links stats not working
    In the iHOUSE Elite traffic report, the  referral link visits were being under-reported. This has been fixed.
  • T074 Nav widget styling issue
    For all websites using the T074 templates series, text in navigation buttons was being truncated. This has been fixed. Text now wraps onto two lines, if necessary.
  • IDXPro mobile search bug
    A bad array reference caused occasional errors for IDXPro mobile searches. This has been fixed.
  • Sitemap Errors on Customer Websites
    Some pages in our Elite website sitemaps did not include the protocol portion of the URL, therefore the URLs were incomplete and invalid according to Google Webmaster tools. This has been fixed.
  • Logging in as agent directory authenticating as owner
    In some cases, an agent logging into an office account would be incorrectly authenticated as the office account administrator. This has been fixed.
  • Standalone IDX Drip Email Editing issues
    Drip emails for IDXPro accounts were generating errors. This has been fixed.
  • Cannot Add Agents without Password
    A bug caused “password” to be a required field when adding an agent even if the option to configure a password was not selected. This is fixed.
  • WA-SPOKANE IDX Violation – IDX Without Address
    This MLS board requires that we hide the address for certain listings, but the addresses for these listings were still auto-completing when using the search box. This has been fixed.
  • Standalone IDX “My Listings” not showing results
    There was a misconfiguration for the IDXPro listing manager which caused a failure to load listings for office accounts in some cases. This has been fixed

Stephen Gruenholz

By Stephen Gruenholz

Stephen serves as both Graphics Manager and Product Manager at iHOUSEweb. He graduated from Cal Poly with a BS in Applied Art & Design and has been working as a Web Designer and Developer since 1998. He relentlessly pushes himself and the rest of the team to learn, grow, and innovate.