Gathering leads is the most important part of any real estate professional’s job. With today’s market fluctuations, gathering new qualified leads has become MORE of a challenge. At iHOUSEweb we create tools that will help all real estate professionals in lead generation despite the present condition of the market. In addition to these tools, we would also like to offer you some other new ideas for building your personal marketing database.
Housewarming parties – A great closing gift can make a lasting impression with your clients. Offer to throw your client a housewarming party. Not only will you make your client happy, but you will have the opportunity to make new contacts! Ask them to provide you the contact list, and you will provide food and beverages. Be sure to include tent cards that say, “Refreshments provided courtesy of [your company]” and write-off the expense! Learn more about throwing a great housewarming party.
Farewell Parties – A unique opportunity exists for meeting new leads at a farewell party for your home seller client. This provides neighbors and friends an opportunity to share old memories and future plans. It also gives you the ability to touch base with potential new clients and future leads for just the cost of some hors d’œuvres. Once again remember to include tent cards saying refreshments were provided courtesy of your company!
Competitive Mailings/Emails – Maintaining customer touch points is very important whether its through phone contact, email, or mailings. When you put together an email or choose to use snail mail consider your target audience and what they want. What are the barriers they may face, and what information may be helpful to them? Here are some samples of ideas:
Viral Marketing Tactics – Traditionally word of mouth has been a strong source of leads in the world of real estate. Take this traditional source a step further and employ a viral marketing strategy. A popular and easy tactic is real estate blogging. Blogging is a great way to keep up with your clients and potential leads, while positioning yourself as an interactive and responsive resource. Check out this article to learn more about effective tips on creating your own blog. More…
Seminars – Offer evening or lunch-time seminars on tips for homebuyers or sellers. Serve lunch or appetizers and collect all contact information from attendees. You can also provide childcare and/or encourage children to come to these presentations and provide children’s listing coloring books, or other activities related to finding or selling a new home branded with your company’s information.
Robert Warner started with iHOUSEWeb back in 2009 in the Customer Service Department helping over 10,000 clients with all of their Real Estate Website questions. After launching the YouTube training videos for iHOUSEWeb he moved up to the marketing department where he helps design and write marketing materials as well as managing the Social Media side of iHOUSEWeb.