Release Notes – 2020.08.27

August 27, 2020


  • Market Reports
    • You can now create Market Report Search pages.
    • Default content: New accounts created after today will include market report widgets and a market report search page
    • The Control Panel: Saved Searches by Location tool now includes market report links in addition to the other price range type searches per location.
  • Banner Widget
    The banner widget now uses the file manager. Any images that were being used before (including any images from the banner library) have been copied into the file manager. A few things to keep in mind:
    • If you delete or move an image in the file manager that your banner widget is looking for, it will cause a missing image error on the site - the same way it does for images used in custom content.
    • Just to keep things clean the copied banner images have been put into a "banner" folder in the file manager.
    • Moving new files into this "banner" folder will NOT add them to your banner widget.
    • When you edit your banner widget you can select any image file from anywhere in your file manager. They do not have to be in the "banner" folder.
    • Do not attempt to edit the banner widget by reorganizing files in the file manager. Edit the banner widget by clicking edit on the banner widget.
  • MLS Info Disclaimers
    We now have more direct control in editing MLS icons and disclaimers from the MLS Info editing section of the Control Panel. The changes apply to ALL websites, both legacy and react.


  • Banner Images Saved To File Manager
    The banner widget now uses the file manager, and the UI has been adjusted to reflect this
  • Show sq ft range in essential data
    For MLSes that have a non-standard SqFt field ("SqFt Range"), we now display this prominently in the "essential data" block
  • Always show more listing data
    We now have an option to expand the "show more" section by default on listing details pages.
  • Code cleanup: agent_options->use_mobile_leadtracker
    Removed deprecated code for managing mobile LeadTracker settings.
  • Market Reports - default content
    The Market Report search widget and search page has been added as default content for new accounts
  • Hide Market Reports on Listing Details
    Added an option / MLS Compliance flag to hide market reports on listing details pages
  • Add new fields to featured listings table, and support coming soon compliance
    Added "coming soon" compliance support to featured listings on react templates, as well as backend support for several other new listing properties.
  • Market Report - hotness meter styling
    Revised our MR hotness meter styling to be more colorful while maintaining a clear indicator / hotness marker
  • Suppress Hotness Meter When Necessary
    We now hide the Hotness Meter if there is no MLS sold data
  • Undefined index in ListingSearch before call
    Fixed an error that could occur when viewing a listing from a deleted saved search.
  • SS By Loc Tool: add checkbox for market report links
    New: Ability to add market report links/text. Fix: loading and finished popup messages are now generic - instead of always saying that a widget and saved search pages were created (even when they weren't). Fix: The main location link now inherits the property type values from the first search variation - instead of always being hard-coded to House, Condo, Multi.
  • Market report search pages
    Added customizable market report search pages.

Bug Fixes

  • Next Listing Not Scrolling To Top
    Listing details modal "next" button would load the next listing without scrolling to the top. This has been fixed
  • Listing Manager HC link broken
    Found and fixed a broken help center link inside the listing manager
  • Unable to bulk select on TL mobile
    Fixed an issue that prevented bulk contact selection in TurboLeads when used at mobile resolutions.
  • force_register should not be a listing property
    Code cleanup related to our registration triggers and listing details
  • Agent Roster Cards
    Agent Rosters now have a new "card" format available as opposed to our traditional "list" format
  • Lead activity not generating email
    Fixed activity notification to fire when lead signs in.
  • MailChimp Tag Could not synchronize
    Fixed Mailchimp segment record in Turboleads.
  • Creating a new account 500 error
    Made changes to the testdrive process to prevent a rare error during the "building" step.
  • Rental search not showing results
    Fixed the code to properly identify subdivisions that might look like addresses.
  • Undefined index on contact agent form
    Fixed an error that could occur when loading a contact agent form linked to a nonexistent listing.
  • Non object error in ReactWebsite
    Fix an error that can occur when listing page data is missing.
  • DomainUtility calling function on boolean
    Fixed an occasional error that would occur when attempts were made to access non existent accounts.
  • Undefined index ing WebAdmin on unpublished site
    Fixed errors that could occur when attempting to access unpublished sites.
  • Bulk Assign Agent Notifications Missing
    Fixed issues preventing the bulk assign notifications from firing.
  • Stage - TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
    Fixed an issue where a new teaser registration implementation could break when loading directly to a listing.
  • Stage - Market Reports edit widget leads to error
    Fixed an error preventing the editing of market report search widgets.
  • Grammar issue in agent username update email
    Fixed a typo in an account update email
  • Can't sync tags to Mailchimp
    Fixed Mailchimp segment record in Turboleads.
  • Nearby addresses labelled as cities
    Now using appropriate label: Additional Addresses

By Stephen Gruenholz

Stephen serves as both Graphics Manager and Product Manager at iHOUSEweb. He graduated from Cal Poly with a BS in Applied Art & Design and has been working as a Web Designer and Developer since 1998. He relentlessly pushes himself and the rest of the team to learn, grow, and innovate.