Release Notes – 2020.04.23

April 23, 2020


  • Virtual Open Houses
    Many MLSs are now providing extra data to indicate that an open house event is “virtual”. We now display these slightly differently. 
    • On listing card badges, open house events that are virtual have an asterisk.
    • On listing details, in the expanded open houses section, virtual open houses are marked with a different icon, say “(virtual)”, and show a link if there was one provided.
    • Virtual open houses can also be created/edited for MANUAL listings.
  • Multiple Virtual Tours
    We now have the ability to display multiple virtual tours. The most common case here is when the agent wants to include BOTH a Matterport 3D tour AND a YouTube video.
    • So far, this is only available for MANUAL listings. 
    • We will be working soon to change the way we import MLS data to accommodate this, but this needs to be done board by board and will take a while.
  • Filter By MLS (Data Source)
    Websites that have multiple IDX Feeds attached can now filter by MLS Data Source. The filter appears in the Advanced Filters section.
  • Expanded Price Options
    The default price options have been modified to go up beyond $1mil to $20mil.
    • For higher priced markets, there is a new setting that allows you to start these options at $1mil and go up from there. (This will also cause rental price options to start at $3k)
    • Reminder that our price options are just the price value suggestions that appear. You can still type whatever value you want.
  • Modal Pages
    In your main navigation menu, any “Form Dialog” type links now open slightly differently in a “modal page” format. They still have the same fields and submit the same information, but…
    • They are now a bit bigger
    • They change the URL now whereas before they did not
    • They change the document title and meta tags and are handled as page views by analytics.
    • Note that the Login and Register buttons do NOT yet use this methodology.
  • Search by MLS board
    For react websites, there is a new idx search filter under More Filters:: Advanced Filters called “Data Source” that allows you to filter by one or more attached MLSs. The filter will only appear for accounts that have multiple MLSs attached.
  • ADA: audit default custom content
    The SS table price range menus expand when the focus is moved within.
  • Homepage slug routes
    Main navigation links to the homepage are now written using “/” instead of “/home” (or whatever the home page’s “slug” value is). References to the homepage in custom content for now continue to use “/home”, but there is a react-router based redirect that pushes “/” to the history stack, replacing the unwanted value.
  • Full Facebook Pixel Support
    We have verified that the Facebook tracking pixel code works on our platform, and we now support Facebook conversion tracking as well.
  • Update Facebook Listing Poster App
    Updated ListingPoster to use FV API 4.0
  • React registration modal for the “always require” case
    We now serve the react registration modal for the “always require” case (previously, this case was still being handled by the legacy form)

Bug Fixes

  • Price min can be higher than price max
    When choosing a min value that is higher than the current max, it will unset the max and vice versa.
  • Open House badge date formatting
    Open House badge dates now have different formatting depending on how far in the future they are: If today, they are formatted like “Today 12PM-4PM” If within one week, they are formatted like “Sat 12PM-4PM”. They include the day of the week and time but no explicit month and day. Sat means “this next Saturday”. If they are MORE than one week away, they are formatted like “Sat 4/17” (they include the month and day but no time)
  • Notification Emails not showing address
    Schedule a showing forms should now properly include listing information when submitted from manual featured listings.
  • Featured image not showing
    We now allow blog featured images with parenthesis in path.
  • Sold showing as option when no data in feed
    Updated TX-HAR’s profile to exclude search filters for non-existent sold data.
  • Modal Forms in Main Nav opening in new window
    Fixed issues with modal forms opening in new windows for react template
  • Admin not able to preview blog post
    Meta tags handle single and double quotes better on react templates.
  • Agent login on marketing site broken
    Office account users who are not the account owner should now be able to login via
  • Stage testing incomplete signups
    Recent enhancements to listing virtual tour URL storage broke the test drive creation process.
  • Rakuten / Lending Tree links have been discontinued
    The “get pre-approved” default link on listing details pages no longer redirects through our Rakuten affiliate tracking URL. It is now a direct link to
  • Manual listing error
    Recent infrastructure upgrades for virtual tour URLs caused issues when creating manual listings.

By Stephen Gruenholz

Stephen serves as both Graphics Manager and Product Manager at iHOUSEweb. He graduated from Cal Poly with a BS in Applied Art & Design and has been working as a Web Designer and Developer since 1998. He relentlessly pushes himself and the rest of the team to learn, grow, and innovate.