Your real estate business needs to be on Facebook. It’s not just about marketing and branding. Some sellers expect you to promote their home on social media, especially Facebook. As a platform, it’s not just a promotional tool for your listings – it can be an amazing lead generator, as long as you’re using it to its fullest capabilities.
The most prominent and eye-catching element on your Facebook page is the cover photo. It is a “set it and forget it” part of your business page, so put in the extra effort and choose something attractive and relevant to your local market. If you don’t have any listing photos that will fit the bill, you can always purchase a photo from a stock image website like Shutterstock, or you can try to find something for free on one of the “creative commons” image repositories like Pexels.
You’ve probably already listed your phone number, email, and website on your Facebook page. But have you taken the time to complete the About section? Keep it brief but to the point. Share who are you, your broker’s information, and what do you do. Most people don’t realize this, but you can also include a link to your website in that section. At the end of your brief synopsis, add the URL of your website or wherever you want to drive traffic. Once you save it, the URL becomes a clickable link.
While the About section only gives you a limited amount of space, the Story section gives you more. You don’t want to write a book in this section because most people won’t read it. But this is your chance to expand on who you are, what niches you specialize in, and any other credentials you may want to share. Like the About section, you can also include a URL here, too. Use the same link or if you have another part of your website you want to direct people to, use that instead.
Just under your cover photo, Facebook lets you add a call-to-action (CTA) button to give your followers something to do. You can send them to your website but that’s only the beginning. The CTA button can be used to let people call you, send an email, message you through Facebook, watch a video, make an appointment, and much more. Like your cover photo, you can change the CTA button as you add or change marketing campaigns. Maybe during slower months you want people to visit your website, and during busier months, you want them to call, email, or message you.
Groups are popular on Facebook for businesses and individuals. They allow people to come together around a common purpose. You can create a group within your Facebook page, as well. Start a buyers group to share good information about mortgages, new listings, and other information. Add a sellers group to discuss the market, home improvement, and the things sellers need to know to get the most value when they sell. You’re sharing information people need and answering their questions while also cultivating future business.
Your Facebook page is more than just a way to promote listings and share content from your blog. It can be a strategic part of larger marketing campaigns for your business. You never know how many people may find you in a Facebook search or because of a listing you promoted. Make sure that when they land on your Facebook page, you’ve given them plenty of options to interact with you and stick around for more.
Former Communications Director for a local Realtor Association and a big cheerleader for all things real estate related, Michaela is now a full-time freelance writer specializing in real estate and other business industries. When she's not writing the serious business-y stuff, she's likely to be found writing about the hilarity of being a Mom to two rowdy boys.