How to Find New Ideas for Your Real Estate Blog

September 16, 2016

Coming up with new ideas for your real estate website’s blog isn’t always easy. Whether your blog is new and you don’t know where to start or you’ve already written several blog posts and you’re stuck, you can find new blog ideas once you know where to look.

It happens to everyone. You start your blog, excited to share your knowledge about real estate – or talked into it by someone (like me) who says you need a blog. The first few posts come easily. You’ve explained title insurance, home inspections, and staging a home. Maybe you even wrote a piece about the neighborhood you farm the most.

Now you’re stuck and don’t know what to write about. Take a look at a few ways to find new blog post ideas that keep you from ever thinking you don’t know what to write about.

Questions From Buyers and Sellers

No matter what question you’re asked by a client or customer, it can be turned into a blog post. Some questions may seem specific to a listing, but you can always use it as an “example” of a situation other people would want to know about. Remember to change names and specific addresses or don’t mention them at all in your blog post.

Experiences With Buyers and Sellers

If one person does something, it’s a good bet that someone else will do it too. That buyer who didn’t get the home inspection and came to regret it is a blog post. The seller who wanted more for their home than the market would allow is a cautionary tale. Don’t forget the FSBOs who learned the hard way to work with a professional, the family who looked for months for the home of their dreams, and all the wildlife (snakes, bears, tigers, oh my!) you’ve seen on showings.

The Calendar

The calendar is a great place to look for blog content ideas. Is there a national holiday this month? Write about it!

  • Homes Your Valentine Will Love – Valentine’s Day
  • Haunted Houses in [YOUR CITY] – Halloween
  • Should You Decorate for the Holidays if Your Home is for Sale? – Thanksgiving or Christmas

Don’t forget to thank the military on Memorial Day and Independence Day or to thank Mom and Dad on their respective holidays. Plus, look for the obscure holidays like National Ice Cream Month or National Lawn Care Day and build a blog post around those.

Your Local Community

As a real estate agent, you’re not simply selling homes. You’re also selling a community, a place to live, work, and raise a family. Your local community is filled with things to write about whether it’s the top sushi restaurants, the best places for a romantic date (another good one for February), or the best parks to visit. Don’t forget to write about the neighborhoods and areas you work including information about local schools.

Your Real Estate Opinions

If you stay involved in your professional real estate community long enough, eventually you’ll realize you have your own opinions that differ from colleagues, the national news, and even the local real estate industry. Those opinions, when expressed well, can be great blog posts. By expressed well, I mean don’t insult anyone, don’t violate the Code of Ethics, and don’t break any laws in order to “tell it like it is.” Simply state the opinion that you don’t agree with (example: all houses should be painted blue) and then make your point about why you think that’s incorrect.

Writing a blog isn’t easy, even for full-time writers. It requires effort, time, and work. But it’s not impossible, either. If you find the hardest part of keeping up a blog is coming up with new ideas, use this information to help you create a growing list of possible blog topics. The few minutes you take now to come up with ideas could keep your blog going for weeks or months.

By Michaela Mitchell

Former Communications Director for a local Realtor Association and a big cheerleader for all things real estate related, Michaela is now a full-time freelance writer specializing in real estate and other business industries. When she's not writing the serious business-y stuff, she's likely to be found writing about the hilarity of being a Mom to two rowdy boys.