How to Make Your ABOUT ME Page Work to Attract Real Estate Clients

March 31, 2014

Almost everyone feels awkward writing their About page. I think we all love to be acknowledged, but hate tooting our own horn – at least on our iHOUSE website where the whole world might see it.

Yet that About (About Me) page is important. Potential real estate clients want to know something about the agents they’re considering. When they get to your site, they click on About in hopes of getting to know you – at least a little bit.

Here is a way to approach writing that page so it shows you off in a way that’ is also helpful to your potential clients.

Think what a client might want to know

Make a list of all the things you think a client might want to know about you. Obviously you’ll want to include the facts, like your name, real estate office, how long you’ve been an agent and what sort of designations you’ve earned, etc.

But clients also want to know about you, so consider adding any or all of these:

  • A statement of your values dealing with clients
  • The story of how you got into real estate
  • What excites you most about your career
  • A list or statement about how you can help them – what are you best at, what makes you unique
  • Something about your family or your pets or your hobby

Tell the story about you

Now weave those things into a story about you. Not fiction, but as if you were telling a new friend about your real estate business. Yes, I know you’ll find advice suggesting you write this in the third person – as if someone else was writing it, but I think that’s a mistake. After all the client wants to know you.

Liven it up with snippets of story. For example, when talking about your values you might say something like:

I realized I placed a high value on helping people understand the complexities of real estate, like the details of a mortgage, and what interest rates really mean. I make sure my clients get their questions answered – and if I don’t know the answers I’ll say so and tell them I’ll get an answer for them, and I do.

Notice how the ‘I’ statements personalize what’s being said. You, of course, will have a different way of saying something like this – which is as it should be.

Telling the story of how you got into real estate might be a bit humorous, perhaps something like this:

When all my kids reached school age I didn’t know what to do with myself. I was griping to a friend who sold real estate and she suggested I do the same.

At first I thought she was nuts, but I tried it anyway and she was right. I’d fallen into the career I love.

Don’t be afraid to tell it exactly like it happened. If you’ve always thought you wanted to be in real estate, say so; if at first you thought it would be easy, say so and then tell how surprised you were that it isn’t and love it anyway.

You get the idea. You’re making yourself more real, more approachable with your story.

Additional tips

Take plenty of time, even days, to get this written. It’s not easy.

When you think you’re finished or close, read it out loud to yourself. Your ear will hear what your eye won’t see and you’ll find yourself doing some much needed editing.

Ask a friend who knows you in your business to read it and tell you what you’ve left out. Chances are you’ll discover at least a couple of things it makes sense to include.

Get someone to proofread it carefully before you post it. It might be a secretary or someone else with an eagle eye – at this point, you’re not looking for editing so much as for typos and gaffs.

Remember, what you post today can be changed later today or next week or next year – that’s one of the advantages of an iHOUSE website and/or blog – they are super easy to edit.

Signing up for an iHOUSE Elite website couldn’t be easier! Try a free trial of the site to check out all the features.

Got an about page you’d like to show us? Post the link in comments. If you’ve got questions, post those too and I’ll work to get them answered.

Image:  Some rights reserved by Delphine Savat

By Anne Wayman

Before Anne Wayman became a writer she sold real estate in Southern California. She worked with her father who learned the business from his father. Not surprisingly she learned a few things along the way. Since then, she has been freelance writing for over 30 years – she is a grandmother, loves cats and writes about a wide variety of topics including real estate.